8.9 based on 3423 klant beoordelingen
Lampen Merk Tafellamp geometric
Lampen Merk

Tafellamp geometric

€160,00 €149,95


Get the most out of your webshop with the  SEOnovo  theme. The theme is  focused on  mobile-first design built according to  the Think with Google conversion optimization  guidelines.

User-friendly conversion-oriented design, fast page loading time and a compact and modern design are the core values of the  SEOnovo.. Always fast  and good support as you are used to from us!


Key features:

  • XML Kiyoh feed integration
  • Timer for fast delivery time
  • Product variants visually displayed, with images and stock status
  • Quick shop functionality
  • Custom design blog pagina’s
  • Custom design 404 page
  • Custom customer service page
  • Newsletter pop-up
  • Ondersteuning voor Google Remarketing

Upcoming free  updates & improvements

Because we always see improvements everywhere and want to continue to innovate, we will continue to add additional features to the theme in the coming months/year. On our own  wish list are already: shop the look  module,custom shopping cart design,  mega menu including images and more..  But of course we also like to listen to our customers. Suggestions,wishes let us know! Email [email protected]  [email protected] and our team will discuss whether it is a valuable addition to the theme.


Check out all 3 presets:

SEOnovo Living
SEOnovo Motor
SEOnovo Jewel

Explanation features

XML Kiyoh feed integration

If you have a subscription with Kiyoh, you can request an XML feed at an additional cost. By installing the XML feed, each new review becomes an activity on your website. And that's what search engines look at, among other things, so that your position gets higher. In combination with the Rich Snippets (also integrated by default in this theme), the yellow stars are also shown in organic Google search results and you are even more noticeable!

Timer for fast delivery time

Ordered today before 4:00 p.m., in the house tomorrow? This can be an additional trigger for the visitor to quickly complete the order. In this theme, a timer is integrated on the product page, which adds up to the deadline of this fast delivery time. Useful!

Product variants visually displayed, including image and stock status

How nice it is that you can also see the stock status of the other product variants directly on the product page. In the SEOnovo you can do that! The product variants are visually displayed as a block, including a small image, inventory status and price. If you don't have an image per variant, you can also choose to show the title of the variant, including stock status and price.

Custom design blog pagina’s

OOSEOO has refreshed the blog pages a bit. A clear layout of all blog articles and a nice sleek design for the blog article pages.

Custom 404 page

By default, within LightSpeed, the visitor is redirected to the homepage if they come to a page that does not exist. In this theme we changed that and developed a custom 404 page. The text on this page can be customized yourself via the theme settings, or through the Custom Translations.

Newsletter pop-up

To promote your newsletter there is the possibility to have the registration form for the newsletter appear as a pop-up in the webshop. This is not shown for 24 hours after filling in or clicked away, this means that he stores the cookies for 24 hours on the visitor's computer. The image and text in the popup can be changed using the settings theme.

Custom customer service page

We have refreshed the standard layout of the customer service page and adapted more to the overall style of the webshop. The FAQ questions are folded by default, to save space on the page and make the whole more user-friendly. When the question is clicked, the answer only folds out.

Google Remarketing support

By default, the Dynamic Remarketing code is already implemented in the SEOnovo.

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